Friday, September 30, 2011

Wimberley, Texas

Louis Dean and I spent a relaxing morning before heading out to Wimberley, Texas. Neither one of us have any sense of direction - we quote the saying about "not finding our way out of a brown paper bag.....with one end OPEN!" So it was not surprising that we have driven a lot of miles and spent a lot of time LOST!

The scenery we passed was so pretty, though!

We were trying to find the Ghost Town his sister in law had taken them to see years and years ago. She lived on a ranch in Wimberley at that time. We drove one way and another and miles and miles further. We FINALLY found it and - of course - it was closed! Open only on Saturday.

However, it had a lovely spot for a picnic and we were the ONLY ones there! Lucy loved being able to run around FREE and WITHOUT her leash!!

The Wimberley area abounds with scenic country roads.

It is amazing how tired you can get even in beautiful country settings!

We are back in the motel room resting up for this evening. Amber and Mike will be arriving soon. Today is their 5th wedding anniversary. We are going to hit up the book store and load up on all things 'Texas State.' Drinks and burgers at The Tap Room where we will gather with others........including a young friend I have know since he was a VERY young child!

But for now - before I do anything else - I am off to walk Lucy! AGAIN! We have walked a lot this trip but we have enjoyed having Lucy with us and I think she has had a good time, too!  Besides, WALKING is a GOOD thing!!

"In every walk with nature one receives
 far more than he seeks."

John Muir


  1. Loved your photos - beautiful area.
    Our dog dreams of getting to run free in open spaces w/o a leash! Breathe it all in and enjoy!

  2. What beautiful scenery! I know you are having a great time.

  3. Texas so so pretty!
    You know, I rarely get upset when I get lost because it seems I always find something interesting or a better way of getting someplace.

  4. Linda,
    I have always wanted to visit Texas. Thanks for taking me there!
    Safe travels and sweet anniversary wishes to your kids!

  5. Great quote! Lost in Texas looks like a good thing.

  6. Awwwwwwwwww shucks, the Ghost Town was closed. -phooie- :-)

    Continue enjoying!!! :-)

    "Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees." ~~Faith Baldwin

  7. Gorgous pictures. I love part of Texas.

  8. I have never been to Texas but I would really love to someday. It seems there is always something fun to do there! The area that you're in seems beautiful! It's always fun to get away where there is good scenery to enjoy. We always try to take our little dog with us when we travel. He enjoys it as much as we do. Glad you're having a good time.

  9. Oh how beautiful, thank you so much for sharing this, I live in the desert I am from NC but been in California way to long. I love seeing pictures of other parts of the country. Have a great week. Tink
