Thursday, September 8, 2011


'Debris' is what my husband lovingly sarcasticly calls my pretty things!

I ran out of decorations before I ran out of rooms to decorate! SO......I just HAPPENED to have a trunk full of things for Goodwill and when we were out this afternoon doing errands I suggested we stop by and unload them. Then I just HAPPENED to suggest a quick pop in visit to see if they just HAPPENED to have something I the way of fall decorations! BINGO!!

I found this basket complete with a fall flower arrangement!
I plopped it right down on the vinyl tablecoth covered tub that holds my housepaint and brushes......a never ending project I have been working on for 4 years and counting!.....and that we conveniently use for a footrest!

Next we stopped by Home Depot for 'something' Louis Dean needed.
As I was waiting at the front of the store I noticed a lady with a buggy load of cushions heading to the check out counter. Hmmm.......summer cushions on sale?
I headed off to check and sure enough!!

I picked up this great cushion for $10! Perfect for sitting out there with a glass of tea and a good book this fall! As soon as we are out of the drought I will fill the basket sitting beside it with some mums! This is right outside my kitchen French doors.
With the cooler weather and open doors - it is like having extra rooms in the house!

We also picked up several cushions for our 'visitors' seats.' Not bad for $2 each!
I had just used the power blower and cleaned up the gazebo earlier.
The cushions we WERE using were pretty worn out and NOT fall colors.
Notice the cushion UNDER the chair?

This one belongs to Lucy! She is a girly sort of dog and likes to be comfortable!
Lucy is about 7 years old. We have had her for 3 years. She is a rescued dog and we think she had been mistreated and abused. She is perfect for us in every way except ONE! Whoever abused her was a tall man and when Louis Dean stands up she barks at him. Only when he is standing up....which he does several times during the course of any given day. This alarms and bothers him and has been a problem. She loves him dearly and when he is sitting down HE is the one she goes to for attention. We have tried everything! Well, nearly everything! Today Louis Dean suggested we just ignore her when she barks. Why didn't I think of that? SOONER?? It seems to be working some and we hope it is the answer to our problem.

Well - fall arrived (regardless of the date!) because FOOTBALL is on!!
Pizza, popcorn and Diet Coke (for me) and beer (for him)!

Have I mentioned how MUCH I love FALL, y'all???


  1. Hi Linda - I love fall too - and I completely understand your love of decorating for this wonderful season.

  2. I love the colors in the cushion but only a glass of tea? lol. Maybe Lucy is telling Louis Dean to "SIT". If he's standing she can't get the appropriate attention from him.
    I like debris instead of junk.

  3. Great bargains, Linda. They seem to just jump right out at you! Love those cushions. And good for you for donating to Goodwill. I read that they were down on donations and that affects every worker there. They think more people are selling their things on ebay, Craigslist, etc. to make money.

    Lucy is a doll. I hope she stops barking, Louis Dean may have to sit all day!! ;-D


  4. What a great buy you got on those cushions! I'm going to head straight to Home Depot on Monday & see if I can find one for my swing on my front porch. I'm in BAD need!!!!

    Don't ya just love Goodwill- they have everything & much cheaper than Walmart LOL.

    Hope you & Louis Dean have had a good Friday and that your weekend is amazing!
