Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm a Goodwill Junkie!!

I admit it! Today I was minding my own business.....driving down Beltline Rd....totally intent on getting my errands done.....when..... I heard Goodwill calling my name!
I simply HAD to go in there to see what was waiting for me! So I turned in, parked and marched through the doors.....not in browse mode but in 'show me what you've GOT!' mode.

First stop was the book isle. A reader's type of cookbook - complete with little stories - from Aspen. I doubt I have eaten at the restaurants recipes this book features but I HAVE been to Aspen several times. Good enough reason to buy this $0.99 book!
A novel and devotional at $0.49 each could NOT be left behind!

I hit the jack pot on Americana things! I bought the skirt for the fabric - I can see a table cover come out of this. The Uncle Sam and the wastebasket were just $1.99 each.
I propped these items up in front of a painting I did some years ago and keep up year round in the living room to take the pic.

I grabbed up this shade for $2.99 since it matches one I already have in the dining room....... my lamps don't match but now the shades WILL!

I sash shay-ed by and plucked the Crazy Cat Lady sleep shirt off a rack in passing!
And of course I couldn't pass up a pretty poinsettia when I know good and well I will need it to round out my grouping at Christmas. And just look at that nut!

I will polish this up and fill it with the pecans from our tree!
The dainty wine glasses were my last finds and I was done!
$0.99! I spent less than $30 for EVERYTHING!

So....I admit it! I am a sucker for a good Goodwill!!

Now I am home and have put away all my new little treasures!
We have our bags packed and the truck loaded. Even Lucy's kennel is in the back of the truck. She is at loose ends hanging around...not sure where she should sleep now!
We are off EARLY in the morning heading down Interstate 35 for San Marcos. Amber went to Texas State and we are meeting up with her and some friends for a weekend of rest and relaxation........ and a football game. 

GO, Bob Cats!!!! 


  1. I was shopping at goodwill myself today and found 2 shirts. one nice($4.35) and one for everyday.(.99) Love a good deal!!!

  2. When we go down to WA I always drag TGD into the Goodwill stores - we don't have them up here. They are the best source for used books.
    Have a great time!

  3. Good for you! Love finding treasures at GW.

    Thanks for your nice comments on our dog treats - we took them to the Humane Society over the weekend, the dogs loved them :)

  4. Shopping Queen. Good stuff, and all useful.
    - Joy

  5. Well, yes, just LOOOK at that nut! :)

    Sorry - just couldn't help myself. :)

    Have fun at the ball game. ...Marsha

  6. Sometimes you just hit the Jackpot when that Siren song of Goodwill calls !!
    Honestly, there are times when moving at a fair clip with a cart down the aisles you just reach out and things just jump into your hand !!

  7. Savers is my favorite place to shop and the best part is that if you tire of problem just give it back and look for something new.

  8. When I worked close to the Heights I would hit Goodwill and other places like it and find some great deals but I haven't been in years. If I ever finish unpacking maybe I'll have to head to the Heights and check out the Goodwill stores.
    Have fun this week end.

  9. I'm not a gal who is *called* to do this thrift-shopping. :-) But... Oh that NUT! It will be just purrrfect, filled with your pecans.

    Have a safe and lovely little holiday trip!

    Ho! for the leaves that eddy down, Crumpled yellow and withered brown, Hither and yonder and up the street And trampled under the passing feet; Swirling, billowing, drifting by, With a whisper soft and a rustling sigh, Starting aloft to windy ways, Telling the coming of bonfire days.
    ~~Grace Strickler Dawson

  10. I can't pass a Goodwill up either! There are so many treasures just waiting to be found. Looks like you had a good haul!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend!!!

  11. Me too, Linda. I also love to take my thing over that I no longer need, but are in good shape.Sort of the newest thing to do these days.
    You are so very organized about posting. How do you fit it all in ? Between posting and reading others sure can take time, but it is so much fun. Good to keep busy !
