Sunday, September 25, 2011

Heading HOME!

After spending a wonderful weekend with Amber - I am about to head home! I have to admit, I am missing Louis Dean! It is always nice to go away but then just as nice to come home!

This has been my 'home away from home'......Amber's super comfy guest room!

She decorated it in a relaxing beach theme...and relaxing it IS!

I love the shelves along the top of the room. She has beach motif things all around!

Her guest bath is even decorated with a nautical theme......and I love her 'B' shower curtain!

Well, I am packed up and dressed and ready to hit the Interstate - this time driving North! I have had a wonderful birthday and am looking forward to another year of living the Good Life! And a GOOD life I do have! I praise God for his bounteous blessings on me. I am going HOME!

"A good home must be made, not bought."

Joyce Maynard, "Domestic Affairs"


  1. Happy Belated Birthday, gorgeous!! I am so glad you had a wonderful time with Amber! I love her place! Now, back to Louis Dean you go...I bet he missed you!


  2. Love you mom, thanks for coming to see me!!

  3. Glad you got away and just love your daughter's home. I, too, am doing the blue/beige/white theme - I love it ! Now all I need is the cottage to go with it !!
    aren't you feeling a bit lonesome over here on my blog? Trying, but not hard enough. I click on the link and my own picture came up and now I have to find a way to delete it. I just feet sorry for you all alone there.
    None of my family do blogs, so that leaves them out, friends either. They get very busy with their own lives and figure I get along ok in computerland.
    Enjoy your welcome home !!!

  4. Glad you had a wonderful Birthday weekend. Glad you back safe and sound.

  5. So happy that you had a totally lovely Birthday weekend. :-)

    Be safe driving home.

    *See you* up North. ,-)

    "For summer there, bear in mind, is a loitering gossip, that only begins to talk of leaving when September rises to go."
    ~~George Washington Cable

  6. Linda!
    What a wonderful birthday get a way!
    Amber is the perfect hostess!

    Thanks for sharing your sweet weekend journey!


  7. Hey Lady- Glad you had such a wonderful birthday!!!

    Amber appears to have taken her awesome decorating skills after her momma! I LOVE those little shelves & that shower curtain :)

  8. I sew envy Amber's shelves. Does that make sense? I have been wanting a shelve on my wall forever. David said maybe at this house I can have some in my sewing room. Goody. I have plenty of trinkets to put on it.
