Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Dreaded Case of the 'BLAHS!'

I have been down with a bad case of "THE BLAHS!" I would rather be ill for then I could take something for it and feel better! I felt it coming on - much as you feel as if you are coming down with a cold - and hopefully it has just about run its course. I am not sure what prompted this ailment! Perhaps the weather.....we have returned to triple digits here. No matter! Everyone gets down at some point or other so I have simply tried to work through it. Keep on 'Keeping On'......so to speak!

We had a low key weekend - it being the 9-11 anniversary. I served in hospitality on Saturday afternoon and then attended the 6 pm service. It was moving and inspiring. We truly MUST 'Never Forget!' Sunday was a quiet day....spent reflecting, remembering and praying. I was relieved when the day was over and no other acts of violence had occurred.

I snapped this pic while Lucy and I were at the dog park Sunday evening. I just wasn't up to walking her and she does so love to RUN!

Lucy is like an only child! She gets so excited when she gets to go play with her friends!

Louis Dean and I started back to work on our bedroom yesterday. We have TWO completed walls......baseboards and ceiling trim all in place! We are probably the only people who redo entire rooms 'piecemeal' style! As soon as it cools off I will haul the last piece of furniture out to refinish. It is a large chest of drawers and Louis Dean can't repair the wall behind it as long as it is in place. SO...we have done as much as we can for the time being.

Today I returned to my 'normal' Tuesday routine! LD and I took ourselves to the movies! After last week's HORRIBLE film at the Movie Tavern I figured we could NOT go wrong with the Starplex where the movies are fifty cents on Tuesdays!

It was a good choice! Clever and funny! We laughed and laughter is good medicine!
Plus it was 106 today and the theater was CHILLY - which I LOVE!
Felt good to sit there with a long sleeved shirt on and see a movie where they were playing in the snow and wearing parkas!

When we got home I laid out the art table and painted for the first time in WEEKS!!

Perhaps it is the smell of turpentine but I began to feel a little better!!

I decided to allow the canvas to dry overnight and go back to work on it in the morning. Burnt Sienna is one of my favorite colors!

My mood has lifted and I hear we have cooler weather coming in a few days.
It can't get here soon enough!!

"Autumn, often called fall, is the temperate season between summer and winter. It occurs around September in the Northern Hemisphere and around March in the Southern Hemisphere. North America generally considers the September equinox the beginning of autumn, while much of the Southern Hemisphere believes autumn always occurs during certain months. In some areas, the temperature may not begin to change until several weeks into autumn."

In 2010, the first day of fall in North America was September 22nd. The first day of fall in 2011 will be September 23rd. In 2012, the first day of fall occurs on September 22nd.


  1. Linda - Beautiful pictures.

    Thanks for stopping by Spots and Wrinkles. ...Marsha

  2. Doesn't it feel right to get back to working on what you love.
    - Joy

  3. Glad the painting got you feeling better. I think after all the fun of decorating...you just got played out for a bit!

  4. I know, dear friend, when that cooler weather hits, it will make you feel soooooo much better!

  5. Sounds like you are feeling better. I'm in a better mood today too! Sometimes we just have to "feel" what we're feeling.

    Bet an artic movie would make you feel colder! We were watching Rookie Blue the other day and their breath was showing in the cold air, they were bundled up and everything looked frozen. Actually made me reach for a blanket, haha!

    Enjoy the painting - it's looking really good!

  6. There you go! Can't keep a good woman down! Glad your feeling better. I'm sure your mood was from remembering 9-11...I also was watching it on TV and just set there and sobbed for the pain others were having to endure. It was also upsetting for Mother so I told her to turn her TV off. But on a brighter note the Memorial Water Fall is beautiful and breathe taking.

  7. We all have a day or two when we feel blah.. I have them now and then .. It is getting cooler now for in in Michigan and I need to clear out my garden while it is cooler That will get me going

  8. That's a cool painting you're working on. I understand the Blahs.
    Glad you're better!

  9. Beautiful picture! You are very talented.

  10. I've been wanting to go see that movie...will have to ck it out...hope your blahs are better soon...love your painting...

  11. I'm so glad you are feeling better. There is nothing like having a case of the blahs. Not fun at all.

    I sure hope your temps come down soon. It isn't no wonder you've had the blahs. The hot temps have got to be affecting your mood.

    Have a good Thursday friend!!
