Sunday, September 4, 2011

Celebrating September!

It is Sunday afternoon as I write. A relaxing Sunday at that! I continue to decorate and now have four rooms 'done.' Amber arrived on Thursday morning so I am loving my mother/daughter time with her!

She went with me to take Mother to the beauty shop on Friday.......and Grandma was SURPRISED!

Mother waits at the door for me.

She was so happy to see Amber!!!

We lunched at The Olive Garden......delicious!!
Mother even ordered a different soup and LOVED it!
As a matter of fact - she had TWO bowls!

We all take our food very SERIOUSLY!!!

Fridays are always SPECIAL days......

And this one was EXTRA special!

After lunch we did a bit of shopping at Stein Mart.
Amber is the Queen of Coupons and came prepared with printed ones for me AND Mother and some for HER as well! We all found some bargains!
Mother does love to shop! She got tired and a bit dehydrated so we stopped at the nearest convenience store for waters all around!

When I unloaded fall from the attic I decided to go through some of the boxes up there.
I am so glad I didn't just toss them in the trash!
Louis Dean cautioned me to look through each box and I found some treasures.
Lots of the keepsakes from homeschooling Amber and Benjamin.
When Amber was 8 years old.........18 years ago!!!....Mother had a serious surgery.
While we were waiting at the hospital Amber wrote a couple of poems and I found them in one of the boxes!
She took them over and read them to Mother.
They are as good today as I thought they were back then.
Amber has always been a writer!

More hugs before we said our good byes!

Mother always ends our visits by saying......

"It's been a GOOD day!!"


  1. It sounds as if it WERE a good day!

  2. What a great fall header on your blog. Did you just change it? What a wonderful family time you had.
    - Joy

  3. Glad to see that Amber got to come home for a visit and your mom got to spend some time with her. Your mom reminds me of my own mom:)


  4. That was a really good picture of Amber and your mom.
