Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back to WORK!!

Now that  the weather has cooled off and we can actually go OUTSIDE - we have opened our doors and started back to work on our bedroom! When did we start this job? I think it was May! Should be done by Thanksgiving - but who is in a HURRY??? (Me?)

This is the very last piece of furniture I need to do for our bedroom to be complete.
No two pieces turned out exactly the same way - but then again - that was not what I wanted!
I LOVE being able to redeem a tired old ugly chest, table, lamp, mirror, frames or WHATEVER!!
Who knew I would love LIGHT colors? Like WHITE?
Only WHITE white is still a little too much for me and I have to tone it down a bit.
I sand, prime, paint, sand, hi-light, sand, stain, wipe, sand, over and over until I get the the LOOK I am after.
I actually never really know what that 'look' IS until I find it!

We are probably the only people around who redecorate a room 'piecemeal.'
Two completed walls and then.....

THIS!.....two partial ones!

I ripped off all the old paper yesterday and am hoping LD will get interested in repairing the Sheetrock.....
like SOON!!! NOW would be good! In the mean time I am busy trying to get my chest done.

We did stop work last evening in time to fix dinner for LD's nephew and his lovely wife.
We ate AT the dining room table - something Louis Dean only does if we have company!
LD had cooked up some good black eyed peas with ham and I made mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and candied carrots AND a cast iron frying pan full of home made cornbread. Iced tea, wine, angel food cake and fresh strawberries made for a nice meal.
This was followed by a couple of hours of good music!
My husband was in hog heaven! TWO jam sessions in a row!

Well, I think my first coat of paint has dried so I am off to sand again.
Can't wait to see how it turns out!

"The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul."


  1. Hi Linda - I love checking my blog every day to see if you had a peek. You always have something nice to say. Your dresser is turning out really well - when I am painting (no matter what paint I am using) I am working the paint/colours until I like what I see. Sometimes it takes a lot of 'messing around' but that's the fun of painting. If it isn't a pleasure why do it.

    What a great supper you both made last night - and music two nights in a row. Lovely.

    - Joy

  2. Linda,
    Hello! I am visiting you for lunch at my desk (at work)! I am so happy that you finally received some rain!

    I was just catching up on your posts. For a simple Sunday, you and LD had alot going on!

    It's my opinion that you should learn a few chords on that guitar because you look very natural holding it! =D.

    Your dresser is coming along nicely! We take on our projects a step at a time as well. It drives me crazy to have the whole place torn up!

    You and LD are always cooking up charm and hospitality! That's why I love to visit!

    Have a sweet afternoon and evening!

  3. Your projects look exactly like mine. I suppose that it is true of most normal folks like us. ;>

    It's looking great! I'm looking forward to the final reveal.

  4. Hi Linda - this is a good post. I love to play with the paint brush, too. white is supposed to be the new color these days- that and granite countertops !
    I love your blog banner and I'm trying to get mine the right size.
    Glad you are busy !!

  5. Busy Lady...you are so entertaining. I love your painting strategy, I wish I had your patience. I can make a small project last a week because I am so hard on myself and so darn slow!! The dresser is going to be wonderful.

    Your dinner made my mouth water. LD sounds like quite the cook! Angel Food cake, my favorite!!

    Have a great week!


  6. busy busy....can't wait to see the finished project...

  7. You are a busy bee Linda! Don't work LD too hard :)

  8. It looks like you know how to have fun despite being smack dab in the middle of a huge project. Good for you! Your meals always sound delish too. I know whose house I going to when I need a pick me up!

  9. Hooray for you! Back to a project, now that the heat has subsided.

    Who cares about "The How" of how we do projects? Who cares, say I!!! :-) We aren't 16 any more, for one thing. And we don't have any set-in-stone time table. So --- Our own rate is purrrrrrrrrfect! :-)

    Me too! I'm back to a never-ending project! Getting rid of decades of accumulation, in our home. (The kind that continues to hide here and there, and to stay piled up, here and there. -sigh-) Oh we always WANT to do this. But then, we lose focus and other things get in the way and........ Same old. Same old.

    But now that I have actually left "Blogging," except for what I really, really choose to do, I have the time! Imagine that?!? -grin-

    HE is always accomplishing projects! But I don't. Now, I am gonna' tooooooooooooo. Hip-hip-hooooooray. :-)


  10. You're good. I haven't touch a box now in 4 days and won't today either. yikes. I have got to get busy. I want to be able to work in my sewing/office soon. Wish I had your energy/drive to get-er done.

    And your dinner has made me hungry. Just had breakfast a couple of hours ago. mmmm

  11. Where does YOUR energy come from?... the meal sound wonderful... I wanna come!
