Thursday, September 30, 2010

The State Fair of Texas!

Today was Senior Citizens Ruth Ann and I decided to take advantage of that and headed to Fair Park. I may mention that you cannot get there by taking Woodall after going first one way and then another we finally arrived at the Gate 11 entrance. NOT the one I normally go in but we WERE finally THERE!!
We had the BEST time together!! We like the same things when it comes to browsing the exibits....and just about the time this picture was taken I had breathed that heavenly scent that says 'State Fair' to me! I cannot be exactly CERTAIN what it is and it may be a combination of 'smells' but I LOVE it!! Cotton candy, corny dogs, all things FRIED...... rolled up into one heavenly aroma!! Worth the trip for that alone!
I loved this flower pot scare crow.....I think my grandkids would enjoy making these.....on a smaller scale, of course!
They had the Food and Fiber Building all painted up pretty featuring the Texas Wine Country.
Even Elsie the cow was on hand to greet her fans!
The scene was all set with a Texas Wildlife exibit.
Ruth Ann was admiring this waterfall/pond. It would look right at home on their farm down in Ranger!
I was surprised this pic turned out because I dropped my camera and had to put the parts back together again! Guess I got them all in the right places!
We were inspried by all the intricate quilts (Ruth Ann is a master quilter!) and other fine hand crafted projects! This particular one touched off a creative spark in me and I hope to do a version of it for little Abigail Rayne! It looked like a vintage version of scrapbooking and it really appealed to me...not that I do scrapbooking! Summer is BIG TIME into that these days!
Ruth Ann and I tired out at just about the same time so we started the long trek back to the parking lot! We HAD to stop so I could snap this photo of her beside  her dream tractor. She and her husband have a farm and really NEED this! The pic is to let Roy know exactly which ONE to order for her!

So we can now say we have been to the 2010 State Fair of Texas!!
(We were both glad to get home, though! Our feet were hurting!)


  1. So glad you had great fun :) Is my elephant ear in the mail???

  2. It looks like you had a great time. I have only been to County Fairs but a State Fair would be SO cool!! Your pictures are fabulous...I love Elsie all dressed up. And I'm like you, one whiff of the air and I know where I am at. They should bottle it!

    Thanks for stopping by. I loved your comments!


  3. Looks like a great time! I'd love a corn dog from the State Fair. Glad you got your camera put together, hate when I drop important stuff like that. You didn't buy the new one yet did you?

  4. What incredibly blue sky! I imagine your State Fair wasn't nervously anticipating rain like our highland shows do.
