Friday, May 14, 2010

My sister, Nita......

is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life! She is just one of those naturally GOOD hearted people who always seems to think the best of others! I go to Nita's house every single week but seldom do I actually see her! She is at work when I pick Mother up for 'The Beauty Shop Run' it is not often I visit with Nita in person. We keep up with each other on Facebook, emails and an occasional phone call. Now I DO often visit with my sister, Deanie, while Mother is getting her hair done and LAST week Summer and I met Deanie at a Starbucks for a little chat. Nita told me the other day, "Linda, be careful what you wish for! You may get it!" She saw the pic Summer posted on Facebook of Deanie and me at Starbucks and thought, "That's so nice! Wish I could visit with Linda on Friday and have coffee!" Well, today she and I DID have coffee together as well as lunch and  a super nice visit! The only thing about that is she has been off work for the entire week with a pinched nerve in her back and has been on pain meds and made several trips to the chiropractor! Sunday morning she wasn't able to get out of bed and ended up in the ER for about four hours! I am  happy to say that she was walking (with the help of a cane) and doing much better today. We did, indeed, have a nice visit with a lot of laughing and catching up. However, I think we will be content to go back to the Facebook connections and emails and then see each other on family gatherings! Less painful that way! I am grateful for the modern technology that enables us to keep in touch with each other even with the busy lives we lead. I am also grateful to have my siblings in my life. I have 2 sisters in Fort Worth as well as a red neck brother, Lonnie, who is married to lovely Michele and  a sister, Luann, in Tennessee and another sister, Shari, in Alabama. Facebook and emails keep us connected.

Deanie, Nita, me and Mother...............Luann, Deanie and me....

My brother, Lonnie, and his wife, Michele.

This is Shari and her lovely daughter, Sara.....Sara is keeping Amber's cats while she is in Scotland! We get to pick them up in August!

Thanks, FAMILY, for being who you are and what you are!!! WONDERFUL! I love you all!


  1. Linda,
    I enjoyed seeing your family. I am glad you got the nice visit with your sister. I am an only child, the way God meant for it to be. I have two cousins that were my closest things to a sister that I have. I donot see them often, tho. Enjoy your moments, as I know you do :)

  2. Thank you for your sweet comments...and your right
    as much as I loved our visit, never do we ever get
    one on one...but I really want my routine back.
    I'm sooo grateful for a clean bathroom thanks to you. Love you!

  3. I lost count of your sisters. How many total do you have ? Well, at least your Mom got one boy. I bet he is a good husband ! My daughter married a man who had 3 older sister's and he knew what to expect and how to treat them.

    What a nice family !

    How's your "fridge"?

  4. Fridge pics coming soon....I took one BEFORE I added all my stuff on it!! Will post that first! It was like a blank canvas!
